Saturday, February 21, 2015

A Few Links I Love This Week (Feb 15 - Feb 21)

Since I can't possibly share all the many links I enjoyed over the past week (there's just so darn many of them), I'm narrowing them down to a handful of my favorites.

1.  This year is a big year for me, more specifically THE BIG YEAR.  Yep, I will be 40.  *gulp*  A great article keeps popping up on my newsfeed time and time again lately.  I read it every time I see it because it's all about being forty.  Forty is a big transitional period and I find myself oftentimes feeling fairly panicked about it all.  This article helps me breath a bit better about it all.

2.  Are you a fan of personality quizzes? They are fascinating to me so I gobble them up.  Taking this one will inform you which of four tendencies your personality falls within.  The four tendencies are: Upholders, Questioners, Obligers and Rebels.  (FYI - I am an Upholder)

3.  John Hughes is one of my favorite directors.  He made many of my favorite movies...Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club...just to name a few.   Have you ever though about taking the music from all his great movies and making your own John Hughes playlist?  This post will help you do just that!  I don't know how I never thought of doing this before.  It's brilliant! 



  1. Really awesome blog .i like it
