I can't start writing this post without talking a little bit about my love of another very popular chocolate hazelnut product. From the moment I first took a bite of a piece of toast, frosted with Nutella, I was hooked on its creamy, chocolatey goodness. I loved it so much I raved on and on about it to all my friends and got many of them hooked on it, too. Target quickly became my local Nutella supplier because it was there where I discovered a super-sized container, and believe me
when I say I made sure I was well stocked up.
After I began my adventure in greener living and began to pay attention to ingredient lists, I had a very hard time giving up on my Nutella addiction. (If only they made an organic option, but alas they do not.) I became bound and determined that I would find a more natural alternative or die trying. (Well maybe that's a bit dramatic but, by darn it, I was a bit panicked about it all!) I began scouring the shelves at my local grocery stores, searching for something that would satisfy my Nutella cravings but everything I tried paled in comparison. They weren't creamy enough, or sweet enough or chocolatey enough and I was getting ever so frustrated. Yes, I had it BAD!!!!
One day, about 6 months ago, I decided to search Amazon for "Organic Chocolate Hazelnut spread" and viola, my saving grace popped up on my screen, the
Rigoni Di Asiago Nocciolata Organic Hazelnut Spread
*! This spread is pure heaven wrapped up in a glass jar. It's smooth, creamy, chocolatey, sweet and ten times better then Nutella! (Please Note: It's "better" as in made with better ingredients, not "better" as in healthy, cause it's not, at all. If only chocolate and sugar were healthy, the world would be a much better place! LOL!)
It's ingredients are: organic cane sugar, organic hazelnut paste, organic sunflower oil, organic skim milk powder, organic cocoa powder, organic cocoa butter, sunflower lecithin, and organic vanilla extract. (No palm oil either in this product. Yeah!) The last price I found for it on Amazon was $8.15, but you can also buy a
6 pack
for $29.94 ($4.99 each), which as you can tell in my photo is what I do.
The company,
Rigoni di Asiago, is an international business out of Italy. They've carried the Certified Organic label since 1992. Besides the Chocolate Hazelnut Spread, they also make honey and fruit spreads which I haven't tried but may have to!
What chocolate hazelnut spreads do you love? Have you ever tried making your own at home? I'd love to hear all about it!
*Disclosure: I am an Amazon.com affiliate
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